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What is considered to be a nursing home abuse?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Each year, within nursing homes and facilities, more than 10% of seniors experience or have experienced abuse. This means more than 150,000 people suffer each year. Most of the cases go unreported and because of that it is thought that the number of abuses is much higher. Abuse cases are severe and can even result in the death of your loved one. Nursing home abuse in Annapolis is, sadly, encountered very often. If your loved one tells you something is wrong, or if you see the signs of abuse you should contact a personal injury lawyer from Annapolis and bring the guilty party to justice.

Nursing home abuse in Annapolis is a difficult issue to face. Senior abuse can exist in many forms, and some of them do not offer clear evidence and physical signs. Most of the victims are very frail and vulnerable and as a result, they are unable to properly protect themselves, let alone seek help. It is estimated that roughly 1,800 of the nursing home deaths are the result of elder abuse each year.

Types of elderly nursing home abuse

Emotional abuse

The nursing home law in Maryland defines emotional elder abuse as an abuse that occurs when a caregiver or any other individual causes emotional distress to a victim. This can be in the form of ridicule, humiliation, terrorizing, intimidation or even ignoring the elder person. Scapegoating, blaming and demeaning behavior are also types of elderly emotional abuse.

Physical abuse

If you consult with your nursing home abuse attorney from Annapolis, they will tell you that physical abuse occurs when a person uses physical force to cause harm to a victim. This can be in the form of scratching, shoving, hitting, biting and using unnecessary restraints. This type of abuse offers the most visible warning signs and it is easier to prove than other types of elder abuse that are less obvious.

Sexual abuse

An elder sexual assault is any abuse that takes place when a non-consensual sexual contact is made with the elder. In most cases, emotional and physical abuse also play a role. Any elder who was sexually abused was coerced, manipulated, forced or tricked into sexual contact.

Financial abuse

Stealing personal property and money is very common in nursing homes. Financial abuse occurs when a caregiver or any other person pressures or tricks an elder to tell them valuable information, like the bank account, credit card numbers, and others. If the victim is coerced to modify a will, deed or trust, this also falls into the category of financial abuse.

Nursing home neglect

Nursing home negligence and elder neglect occurs when a resident doesn't receive proper physical, emotional and medical attention. In most cases, neglect can escalate to emotional and physical abuse.

And even though it may prove difficult to take action against elder abuse and neglect, it may be the only way to stop this mistreatment. In addition to that, a nursing home negligence claim in Annapolis also prevents others from becoming victims. If the elder is in immediate danger, they should be removed from that nursing home facility ASAP. Only after the senior is safe, you should take legal action against that facility. You can report a nursing home abuse to the state hotline. Your personal injury lawyer from Annapolis will tell you this is the first step you have to take if your loved one is or has been abused.

By contacting the best nursing home abuse attorney, you will be able to prove the nursing home injury in MD. With the help of the lawyer and their experience, you ensure your family will receive the compensation they deserve. Contact the best abuse attorney for a free consultation at (443) 569-3950 or via email at

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