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What Is Parental Liability In Maryland?

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June 17th, 2016

Each state has its own laws regarding the parental liability of a minor convicted of a crime. The parental liability in Maryland is a statue that ensures a parent will reimburse the victim for the damaged committed by that parent's minor(s). But what is the financial liability restitution limit in MD? What may constitute the object of a court-ordered restitution?Financial Liability Restitution LimitThis parental responsibility law is used to hold a guardian or a parent financially responsible for the damages caused by a minor child. In Maryland, there is no law that will make a parent civilly liable for their child's negligence or for the accidents caused by the minor. And even if intentional misconduct is proved, the parents do not become automatically liable. This only happens when the minor is convicted of a crime in regard to the act. However, there are a couple of situations where the parents may be ordered by the court to compensate the victim. These situations include:

  • Compensation for medical or dental bills
  • Property damage
  • Property loss (or diminished value of the property)
  • Income loss
  • Funeral expenditures
  • Counseling and therapy bills
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Direct out-of-pocket loss

Unlike personal injury claims that can be very costly, the parental liability law in Maryland sets a limit of $10,000 for each child's acts arising out of a single accident. If you find yourself in the situation where you suffer damages because of a minor, contact a personal injury lawyer from Maryland. They may be able to help you recover compensation from the parents of the minor.In rare cases, the parents of the minor can also be civilly responsible for their child's actions and you can bring a claim of negligence against them. However, as any Annapolis injury attorney will tell you, it is very difficult to prove their fault civilly. You will need to prove that they were not against the minor's behavior or that they knew their child to be dangerous and failed to take reasonable measures to prevent his or her actions. It is not impossible to prove this, but it can be very hard, depending on your case.Personal Injury Lawyer In MarylandIf you or a loved one have been hurt by a minor, you should consider bringing a financial restitution claim against the parents. Most of the parents will offer to pay for property damage or medical bills, but what happens when you lose your job because of the minor's actions? What happens when you miss work days and lose income? You need to take into consideration all these aspects and reach out to an Annapolis injury attorney. With the help of a professional Annapolis injury lawyer, you can recover damages and get justice. Contact us at (443) 569-3950 or by email at for a free consultation of your case.

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