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What is the difference: sexual assault vs. sexual abuse in Frederick Maryland?

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June 17th, 2016

A lot of people believe that if someone commits a sex crime, they will be punished for it. But while this is true from an ethical point of view, in reality, according to the sexual abuse law there is a clear difference between various sex crimes. In this article, we will address a very debated subject: Sexual assault vs. sexual abuse in Frederick Maryland. In addition to this, when in need of legal counsel regarding a sexual abuse or assault, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from Frederick MD.What are the basics of a sexual abuse lawsuit? The primary difference between sexual assault and sexual abuse is that the latter can be a misdemeanor as opposed to a felony (in certain circumstances). The sexual abuse lawsuit can include circumstantial facts, like the age of the perpetrator and also the relation between the victim and the alleged perpetrator. Your Frederick injury lawyer can explain to you the law fact and counsel you accordingly.Most of the time, the sexual abuse happens when the accused is somebody who holds some authority over the victim, overexerting their power or using the victim's trust to coerce them into sexual activity.A Usually, the relation between the accused and the victim can be one of the following:

  • A teacher and their student
  • An adult and a child
  • A doctor and their patient
  • An older child and a younger one

If you are in need of legal counsel, you can get the help of a Frederick Injury attorney.It is advised to contact a personal injury attorney from Frederick MD when you have been through an unexpected or violent event that may have resulted in an undesired sexual behavior or act. The sexual assault is always considered a felony, and it includes the following behaviors:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Forced voyeurism
  • Being forced to watch pornography
  • Forced sexual contact of any kind

Furthermore, your Frederick injury lawyer will explain to you that if the if the victim is unable to give their consent, understand what was happening,A if the victim was less than 18 y/o or if the accused is a family member, these cases will also be considered a sexual assault.Sexual reportingIf you or your loved one have been a victim of sexual assault or abuse, you should get medical care immediately. You can ask your Frederick injury attorney about what kind of treatments you can get and also what your or your loved one's legal options are. With the help of your personal injury attorney from Frederick MD, you can report the sexual abuse or assault and possibly receive compensation for your pain and suffering, injuries, medical bills, lost wages, etc.Contact the best personal injury lawyer from Frederick MD at: (443) 569-3950 or by email at:

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