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What is the landlord's legal obligation? Tenant exposure to mold in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

As you may know, mold is extremely unpleasant in the house and can be very dangerous for the health of the people living in the house. There are only two main types of mold that are toxic, the Aspergillus and the back mold. But even so, experts consider that a living in an environment with mold can be extremely dangerous, because only with the help of a professional you can determine what type of mold is present in your house. With the help of your personal injury lawyer from Maryland you can bring the landlord to court if they do not respect their obligations.Tenant exposure to mold in MarylandUnfortunately, there is no federal law that addresses the exposure limits to mold. But some states have understood the gravity of the situation and have passed laws that address the presence of mold in the indoor air. Maryland is one of these states and if your landlord does not resolve the issue, your Maryland injury attorney can help make them understand.Your personal injury attorney from Maryland will tell you that all landlords have the obligation to maintain the property they are renting and repair it in case anything breaks, including the roof, pipes, windows (which all can be the cause of mold). But what if you have a mold outbreak in your house?What about mold?There are two legal self-help strategies you may have as a tenant in the case of mold outbreak. You can either withhold rent or repair & deduct. In the case of rent withholding, you can legally stop the rent payments to your landlord based on the situation. If your rented house has become uninhabitable due to mold, you are not obligated to pay rent until the owner does not make the necessary repairs and resolves the issue.Repair & deduct means that you can take care of the problem yourself and the money you spend taking care of the mold can be deducted from the rent you pay each month to your landlord. You should still consult with your Maryland injury attorney before deciding on a strategy.Toxic torts compensation If your health has been affected by toxic mold, you can also sue the landlord. For this you can contact a personal injury attorney from Maryland prove the landlord's negligence. You must also know that if the appearance of mold was your fault (unintentionally) most likely you will not receive toxic torts compensation even with the best Maryland injury attorney by your side.If the case goes to court, the landlord may try to put the blame on you, saying that the mold is your fault. You can ask a Maryland injury lawyer to represent you in court and help you gather the necessary evidence to win the case.Contact the best personal injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at

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