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What to Do If You Are Involved in an Uber Car Accident in Annapolis?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Many times we get inside an Uber without even thinking about the fact that the only thing we know about the driver is his name. So what happens if you are involved in an Uber can accident in Annapolis? Can you recover compensation? What are the necessary steps? Read further to find out. In this article, your car injury lawyer from Maryland will explain to you the steps that you need to take if you are involved in a ridesharing accident.

Do I have a claim against the ridesharing company?

This is one of the first questions clients ask their lawyer when they are involved in an Uber can accident in Annapolis. Unfortunately, the drivers who work for ridesharing companies are not their employees, but independent contractors. This way, the ridesharing company can deny any liability and they are not legally compelled to pay damages in case of an Uber can accident in Annapolis. So the answer is no. You do not have a claim against the ridesharing company, as your traffic attorney in Annapolis will tell you. However, you may have a valid claim against the driver and it is worth to pursue it.

What to do after the accident

A ridesharing accident in Maryland is a complex case that requires a specialized traffic attorney. You can also help your car injury lawyer in Maryland by following a couple of recommended steps after the accident.The first thing you should do is check for injuries and seek medical attention. Call the police to make a report and write down the driver's name, vehicle information, license number, and insurance information. If there are witnesses to the Uber car accident in Annapolis, write down their contact details so that your traffic attorney can get in touch with them later on. You should also take pictures of the scene of the accident, as well as the damage to the cars involved and your injuries. Don't talk to the insurance company by yourself, but call your car injury lawyer from Maryland.When it comes to Uber and Lyft, these ridesharing companies have insurance that covers the accident when the driver is using the ridesharing app. Their policy covers up to $50,000 per person in bodily injury liability and up to $100,000 per accident in bodily injury. Additionally, the policy covers up to $25,000 per accident for property damage. This means that if you get involved in a ridesharing accident in Maryland and you are alone in the car, you can recover up to $75,000 and up to $125,000 if there are other people with you inside the car.

Traffic attorney in Annapolis

If you or a loved one have been involved in an Uber car accident in Annapolis, then you need to contact your car injury lawyer in Maryland and see if you can recover compensation. Get in touch with the best traffic attorney in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or by email at to get a free consultation for your case.

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