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What to Do If You Witness or Are Involved in a Pedestrian Accident in Maryland?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Research studies show us alarming numbers. Thousands of pedestrians are killed in traffic accidents each year. If you notice a pedestrian getting hit by a vehicle in Annapolis or you suffer a pedestrian accident in Maryland, there are a couple of things you can do. In this article, your personal injury attorney will cover the basics of what you have to do if you find yourself in one of the above situations.What to do if you witness a pedestrian getting hit?If you happen to witness a pedestrian accident in Maryland, you need to do a couple of things that will improve the chances of the person who suffered the accident. The first thing you should do is call 911 and, until the ambulance arrives, assess the situation. Is the victim conscious? Are they breathing? Whatever you do, don't move the victim. If you see that the pedestrian is not breathing, you can try to perform CPR until the ambulance arrives. Then you should accompany the victim to the hospital and give the medical professionals all the information they need to know about the accident. If it's a hit-and-run accident, try to remember all the details that might help identify the driver the license plate, the color and make of the car, etc.What to do if you suffer a pedestrian accident in MarylandAs your car accident lawyer in Annapolis will tell you, if you get hit by a car, no matter how minor your injuries may seem, you need to seek medical assistance immediately. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, make note of your injuries so that you can give the paramedics all the information they need as soon as they arrive.You also have to call the police and try to remember as many details about your pedestrian accident as you can. It is very important not to discuss the accident with anybody else except your lawyer, medical personnel and police. Do not talk to the motorist's insurance company. As your personal injury attorney in Maryland will tell you, the insurance company will try to use anything you say against you. Instead, you should call a car accident lawyer in Annapolis.An attorney specialized in pedestrian accidents will know how to help you recover compensation, if possible. But remember that anything you say to the motorist or their insurance company can lower your chances at receiving compensation.Car accident lawyer in AnnapolisIf you or a loved one have been involved in a pedestrian accident in Maryland, or if you know a pedestrian that was hit by a vehicle, you need to contact a personal injury attorney. They know the law the best and are able to assess your case and let you know if you can recover compensation for your injuries. Contact the best car accident lawyer in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or by email at and receive a free initial assessment of your case.

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