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What you need to know if you remove lead-based paint in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Most of the apartments and homes that were built before 1978 contain lead paint. The exposure to the lead paint chips or dust can cause extremely dangerous health problems. Pregnant women and children are at higher risk. That is why you should be extra careful if you want to remove lead-based paint in Maryland. If you or your loved one now have health problems after the lead-based paint has been removed in your home, you should contact a lead paint lawyer from Maryland.What to do about rented homes/apartments If you are the owner of a property that is rented, it is your responsibility to repair any chipping and of the lead paint surfaces. You should check the need to do this repair once a year and when a new tenant is moving in. It's the owner's responsibility to monitor and maintain the safety of their tenants (in relation to lead-based paint).If you rent a space and you observe that you have chipping paint, you must contact your landlord and ask them to repair the painted surfaces.Whether you are the person doing the repairs or if you get the help of a contractor, it is crucial for the work to be done adequately and not create new risks for lead exposure. If you suffered a lead-paint injury in Annapolis, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from MD. With the help of your lead paint attorney from Annapolis, you can determine if you should file a lead injury claim and receive the compensation you deserve.Workers and contractorsThe EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) mandates that all contractors and workers who renovate buildings before 1978 must be trained and certified in EPA RRP (Renovation, Repair, and Painting).

  • Who must be certified?Any person who is performing work and disturbs lead-based paint in pre-1978 buildings, including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc.
  • What activities are subject to the RRP Program?All the activities that disturb more than 6 square feet of lead paint per room for interior activities and 20 square feet of exterior surfaces need to be done according to the EPA regulations. According to this regulation, the contractor must provide the occupants with a Renovate Right pamphlet copy, available in both English and Spanish. If your worker did not respect this procedure and you suffered a lead-paint injury in the Annapolis area, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from MD and tell them about your case.

HomeownersIf you are a homeowner and you decide to do the work yourself, you need to understand that only the people who are paid to do the job can be found liable. If you do the work yourself, your lead paint attorney from Annapolis will not be able to find any responsible entity for your lead paint injury.For more information about your case contact the best lead paint lawyer in Maryland at: (443) 569-3950 or by email at:

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