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What's the wrongful death statute of limitations in Baltimore, Maryland?

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June 17th, 2016

Each state in the US is governed by their wrongful death laws. When a person suffers a wrongful death, there are a few things his family should know. For example, did you know that you have a limited time in which you can file your claim? There is a lot of legal information that you might not know, and that is why it is recommended to get the help of a personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland.This article will offer you a little insight about the wrongful death statute of limitations in Baltimore, Maryland and might help you understand a little better how the legal process goes.Wrongful death claimsThe wrongful death claim was established to compensate the immediate family members of the deceased person in case of a wrongful death. You can ask your Baltimore injury lawyer to help you file your claim because if you do it wrong or miss the deadline, you will not be able to receive compensation.For some wrongful death plaintiffs, it is simpler to think of this case as a personal injury claim in some cases. As a result, the family members of the deceased person can file a wrongful death claim with the aid of a Baltimore injury attorney. This will bring the person responsible to court and if they are found guilty, they will have to pay compensation to the victims.Your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, will explain to you that the law divides wrongful death claim into two basic categories:

  • Wrongful death actions. This happens when the action is brought on behalf the people close to the deceased (spouse, children, parents, ). With the help of a Baltimore injury attorney, this will compensate the surviving family members for their pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of companionship, loss of support, and many more.
  • Survival actions. This happens when the action is brought on behalf of the estate. This way, the estate will receive compensation for the loss (medical expenses, burial, funeral, etc.) related to the death. Your Baltimore injury lawyer will help you with this action for the estate to receive compensation for the loss of a loved one, suffering associated with the final injury/ illness of the deceased person, pain and suffering, and others.

Who can file a wrongful death claim?Your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, can tell you that in this state, there are specific rules about who can file this type of claim. Most of the time, the main factor is the way the beneficiary entity is classified (primary or secondary beneficiary).The primary beneficiaries are the living spouse, parents,A and children of the deceased person.The secondary beneficiaries are the living sibling nephews, nieces, cousins, and well as other family members (that are not primary beneficiaries).For more information about wrongful deaths contact the best personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send us an email: will get a free consultation of your case.

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