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When are you legally justified to leave a marriage in Maryland?

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June 17th, 2016

There are two types of divorce in Maryland. There is the absolute divorce, where the separation is final, and all property distribution, alimony, child support, and child custody are handled by the court. When the absolute divorce is handled, the individuals are free to remarry. Usually, for this type of divorce, you will need to hire a divorce lawyer from Annapolis.

The second type is the limited divorce, which is a type of legal separation. For this kind of divorce, you can get the help of your family lawyer from Maryland.

The grounds for divorce

Each type of divorce needs to have grounds, by which one or both parties can seek an absolute or limited divorce, according to the divorce law in Maryland.

If you are seeking a limited divorce, there are four grounds that can help your case:

  • Cruelty of treatment of a minor that is the child of the complaining party or the complaining party itself
  • Desertion
  • Voluntary separation, when the parties live separately and apart, and there is no reasonable hope of reconciliation
  • Excessively vicious conduct to a minor that is the child of the complaining party or the complaining party itself

If you are seeking an absolute divorce, there are seven grounds that can help your case:

  • Adultery
  • 12-month separation
  • Insanity
  • Cruelty of treatment of a minor that is the child of the complaining party or the complaining party itself, and there are no hopes of reconciliation
  • Excessively vicious conduct to a minor that is the child of the complaining party or the complaining party itself, and there are no hopes of reconciliation
  • Desertion for more than 12 months
  • Conviction of a misdemeanor or felony in any state and court of the United States

Once a couple decided that their marriage has no hopes of reconciliation, they will get the help of legal counsel, a divorce lawyer in Annapolis, and file for a limited divorce. This gets the process started, and this can be filed immediately if the parties involved show proof that they live apart.

In many cases, even with the help of your family lawyer from Maryland, the parties will have to wait for 12 months to prove the grounds for an absolute divorce. This means that the divorce is not finalized until both sides surpass the one year period. In any divorce, you are advised to consult an attorney, even if it is amicable.

If you need the best lawyer for divorce in Annapolis, you can contact us, and we will offer you a free consultation and expertise for your case. We will explain the divorce law in Maryland, and we will help you with your case. We will offer our suggestions based on the analysis of you case and we can represent you in court.

Contact the best divorce attorney in MD at (443) 569-3950, or by email at:

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