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When should you sue for personal injury?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Everybody can experience an injury at one point in their lives. And depending on the cause of the injury, a person can take action into making those responsible pay with the help of a personal injury lawyer in Annapolis. Of course, not all injuries can become legal claims as some injuries are attributed to unavoidable accidents, genetics, age or your fault. When a person or business (entity) is at fault for your injury, you may have grounds to sue, using a personal injury attorney in Maryland.

Do you have a legal claim?

Legal claims are made through an insurance action or a personal injury lawsuit. This lets you receive compensation for the damages you sustained from the entity responsible for causing your accident or creating the proper circumstances that generated your accident. Based on the personal injury law in MD, the purpose of the injury claim is to permit the injured person to receive compensation for their injury. This includes damages for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and emotional distress.

How to make a case

When you want to make a personal injury claim in Annapolis (insurance claim or lawsuit), you need to be able to prove that the entity you are claiming to be responsible was negligent. This means that they have breached a legal duty owed to others (including you) and that breach led to your accident and injury. Also, you should be able to prove that you suffered real damages in the accident.

Under the personal injury law, it is the responsibility of the person making the claim to prove all these elements. If your claim makes it to trial, you must prove your case by a preponderance of evidence. This means that you must demonstrate to the judge and jury that what you are alleging is true. Most likely your claim will not end up in court, but this happens depending on the strategy you have planned with your personal injury lawyer in Annapolis.

What evidence you need to prove your claim

Assuming that your claim requires you to determine that another party was negligent, here is the proof you need to show:

  • Police report that states the circumstances and causes of your accident (example: car accident)
  • An incident report prepared by a restaurant, store or any other business (where the slip and fall occurred)
  • Statements from eyewitness attesting the details of where, when and how your injury occurred
  • A set of photographs from the accident scene and all other evidence that can help determine the cause of your injury
  • Records of medical treatments associated with your injury (example: emergency services, physician, hospital visits, etc.)
  • Specific documentation of the time you couldn't go to work, of your typical income. This supports the lost wages claim
  • Testimony from a medical expert that has consulted your injury.

This is the usual evidence you need to sustain and prove your injury claim.

Getting the help of a personal injury attorney in Maryland

Although there are a lot of personal injury types in MD, if you want your claim to be successful you have to get the help of a professional personal injury lawyer. And if you contact us we will provide you with all the information you need and also with a free expertise in your case. Together we will determine the gravity of the situation and follow you step by step until your claim is successful.

If you want to pursue justice for a personal injury, and you need an injury lawyer in Annapolis, you can contact us at (443) 569-3950 or email us at: and you will receive a free consultation, with no obligation.

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