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Who is liable for my defective product injuries? Faulty product lawyer Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

If you got injured by a defective or malfunctioning product (or part of it), there are legal options available to ensure that you get compensated. This can help you cover the costs of medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and many more. Your faulty product lawyer from Maryland can help you file a defective product injury claim against the liable person/party.

But to do this, you have to determine who is at fault for the accident. Is it the manufacturer's fault or is the store selling the product responsible for the defect? In this article, you will find out how to determine the fault and how you can bring them to justice.

Manufacturer's liability

If a product is defective or malfunctions, the entity responsible can be found in the chain of distribution. The manufacturer is the first in line in this chain and they should have ensured that the product is of top quality. It is their job and responsibility to produce a good that does not cause injuries to consumers. But this does not happen sometimes.

For example, you may buy a blender that is defective and overheats without warning because of an improper motor cooling system. Touching the blender can cause severe burns. If a person gets injured because of this defect, the manufacturer can be held responsible for negligence. But in this case it is also possible that a component used to build the product has a malfunction. If this is the case, the component manufacturer will be liable for making a dangerous and defective product (component).

With the help of your defective product attorney from Maryland you can find out if the manufacturer is to blame for the product defect and the injuries you've suffered.Seller's liabilityThe store that sold the defective product can also be responsible for the accident. For example, this happens if you've bought a chicken that was kept in a cooler that is defective. This defect can give you salmonella poisoning which will require you to be hospitalized.

In this case, the chicken manufacturer is not to blame, because they didn't produce a defective product, but the product became defective due to improper storage, which is the seller liability. Your defective products lawyer from Maryland can bring in a specialist that will analyze and find out if the seller is to blame for your injuries.

Other liability

In the chain of distribution, there are more entities which can be brought to justice. For example, the designer of the product may also be liable if the materials used by them led to your injuries. You can also file a defective product injury claim in Maryland against the person who sold you a second hand product.

You should consult with your defective product attorney from Maryland to see if you can prove the liability of a second hand product seller.

For more information about malfunctioning products, you can contact the best defective products lawyer in Maryland (443) 569-3950 or send an email to

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