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Work injury reporting procedure in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

This article will provide you with a brief overview of the work injury reporting procedure in Maryland and of the process of filing a claim with the WCC. All of the following information is correct, but it is possible not to work for specific cases. To avoid all this, contact a work injury lawyer from Maryland and discuss all the details of your case.

Notify your Employer

If you've suffered a work-related injury, it is important to notify your employer immediately. In general, an injured employee has up to ten days from the date when the injured occurred to inform their employer about the accident. This notice can be provided in writing, or otherwise. The notice to your employer includes details about being hurt with your supervisor present, having emergency response workers come at the scene, or just simply notifying your employer verbally about your injury and how it occurred.

Work injury employee rights of MD state that when an employer received notice of the injury, an Employer's First Report needs to be prepared by the insurer or employer. A This report is then sent to the Commission if the work-related accident caused the employee to absent work for more than 3 days.

It is crucial for the insurer or employer to file the Employer's First Report because of the statute of limitation for submitting the Employee's Claim Form (when the employee loses more than 3 days of work because of their injury). A worker's compensation lawyer from Annapolis can help you with all this.

Filing a Compensation Claim Online with the WCC in Maryland

The Employee's Claim Form may be self-prepared or prepared by your worker's compensation lawyer from Annapolis and submitted to the Commission. Based on the work injury employee rights of MD, this form must be filed within two years of your accident. This file can be submitted online, but once it is filled electronically, the Claimant has to sign the original form. This original Claim Form that contains the signature must be sent to the WCC within 10 days of the electronic filing. If you fail to do so, your claim may be dismissed, and you will not reach a work injury cash settlement in Maryland.

How the work injury reporting procedure in Maryland works

Once the WCC (Worker's Compensation Commission) received the signed Claim Form, they will give a claim number in the following week, and will issue a Notice of Employee's Claim. Once the claim number is issued, your work injury lawyer from Maryland has to enter their appearance with the Commission. Even if the attorney files the Employee's Claim form, they are not entering the counsel's appearance automatically.

The Notice of Employee's Claim is a crucial part of the claim process. This will notify the insurer/employer that the complaint has been filed, and they will have until the žconsideration date to bring any objections to the claim (these are called the žissues).

To contact the best work injury lawyer from Maryland call (443) 569-3950 or send an email at with details about your case. With our help, you can file the claim correctly and possibly reach a work injury cash settlement in Maryland.

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