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Workplace electrical shock and electrocution Personal injury lawyer in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Electrocution injuries can range from a small discomfort to death. Some of the most common workplace injuries are caused by electrical shocks and can cause long term disabilities and even death. This happens because the human body is a very good electricity conductor and if the electric current enters the body, it may cause several types of injuries, including cardiac arrest, internal and electrical burns, nerve damage, brain damage, and many more.

If you got injured due to electric current at work you can contact your electrocution injury lawyer from Maryland to see if you can file a claim to receive compensation.

Electrical injuries

The severity of an electrical injury can depend on various factors, such as the voltage of electricity, how the current travels though the body, the state of health of the injured person and how fast they receive medical treatment. According to the NIH (National institutes of Health) around 1,000 people lose their lives in the United States alone due to electric shock, most of which happen at work.

Of course a lot more people get injured or present electrocution injury symptoms in Maryland alone, but get to live.

The most common injury sources

  1. Extension cords may be a cause of electrical burns if some wires are exposed and in the construction industry it is easy to understand how they can become damaged. To reduce this risk you can purchase only cords that have the OSHA and UL labels.
  2. Electrical outlets can seem benign, but they can cause serious electrical shocks. For example, a person can get electrocuted because they touch the socket that is obstructed by an object or desk at work. Most of the time, the victim will not suffer an extensive injury, but they may still present electrical injury symptoms in Maryland.
  3. Electrical appliances are very dangerous at home and at work, in the break room and the office. If you were injured by a defective product, you can file a workers' comp but also file a claim against the manufacturer of that product if the product was defective from the beginning. You can determine this with the help of an electrocution electrical expert from Maryland who can also stand as a witness in the trial.
  4. Your electrocution injury attorney from Maryland can recommend you the right electrical expert witness that can help your case.
  5. Power Lines are also a source of danger to people, especially to the people who work near them. Avoid going near a power line without proper equipment and if the lines are down because of, let's say, a storm, don't go near them if the electricity has not been turned off.
  6. Lightings and thunderstorms can also be dangerous, especially on hot and humid days. If there are any signs of a storm approaching, go indoors immediately. Unfortunately for many workers, they have to stay outside and finish their job. But if things look dangerous, even if you are during working hours you can still seek shelter until the danger passes.

Here are a few tips on how to deal with a co-worker who has suffered an electric shock:

  • Electrical experts from Maryland recommend for other people (electrocution witnesses) not to touch the victim if they are still in contact with a source of electricity.
  • If the person is burned, don't break blisters or remove dead skin
  • If the person is burned, don't apply butter, ice, fluffy cotton dressings, medication, or adhesive bandages to the wounds.
  • Avoid touching the skin of someone who just got electrocuted
  • Don't move an electrocution victim unless they are in immediate danger. It is better to wait for the ambulance to arrive (or firemen).

For more information about electric shock cases and to file a proper injury claim you can contact the best electrocution injury attorney in Maryland by dialing (443) 569-3950 or through email toA

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