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Wrongful death and hospital negligence in Baltimore, Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Losing someone you love is a hard experience. It is even much harder if your loved one lost their life because of a person's negligence. That is why if a loved one suffered a wrongful death due to hospital negligence in Baltimore, Maryland, you should get legal help. A personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland, can help you file a wrongful death claim and receive compensation for your loss.

Every year around 100,000 people die because of medical malpractice alone. But there are many other types of wrongful deaths that are not included in this statistic. Too many mistakes are being made and because of that innocent people are losing their life. With the help of you Baltimore injury lawyer, you can bring the guilty person to justice.

Hospitals must respect their obligations

Nobody expects the ideal, but there must be a minimal standard of care every patient needs to receive in a hospital. If this standard is not met and your loved one loses their life, then you can call your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland and start a lawsuit.The hospital is required to maintain a certain standard of care. That is why most hospital personnel is licensed and qualified for medical practice. But even so, a Harvard study reveals that 1 in 100 patients is a potential malpractice claim.

Your Baltimore injury attorney should know about the standard of care hospitals need to meet. Other medical experts could be brought in your lawsuit to show the hospitals/doctor's negligence.

Wrongful death settlement

There are a lot of statistics regarding the average value of a wrongful death malpractice claim, both locally and nationally. Your Baltimore injury lawyer is aware that in Maryland, the average settlement when the patient lost their life is:

  • $4,1 million for an adult male and $3,1 for an adult woman
  • $4,3 million for a minor male and $3,4 for a minor woman
  • $1.4 for people over 65 years old

The amount of compensation may depend on how your loved one lost their life, and also on how your Baltimore injury lawyer addresses this case.For example, it makes more sense to sue the hospital sometimes and not attack the doctor directly. The reason for this is that the juries will believe it easier that a non-doctor (health care provider) caused the wrongful death than a doctor.

In addition to this, in some cases, even if you have the best personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, it will be impossible to settle with a doctor because they don't want their malpractice rate to rise.When you sue the hospital, the doctor has zero saying whether the case will settle or not, and your Baltimore injury attorney knows that.

That is why you have greater chances of receiving compensation.For more information about wrongful death and medical malpractice, you should contact the best personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland, by callingA  (443) 569-3950 or sending an email at

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